As in previous Ramadans, we’re presenting the community with the opportunity to donate during this month, where spending for the sake of Allah is most valued, Inshallah. Alhamdulillah, we have several funds to direct your donations to: Sadaqa Fund: To help those in need. (Click on link to donate: Zakat Al-Fitr (Fitra) Fund ($15/person): Before Eid al-Fitr prayer at the end of Ramadan, every adult Muslim who possesses food in excess of their needs must pay zakat Al-Fitr (Fitra)). The head of household can also pay zakat Al-Fitr for their dependents such as children. and any dependent relatives.(Click on link to donate: Capital Projects & Qard Hasan Repayment Fund: Alhamdulillah, despite limited fundraising activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. we have been able to make major progress in paying off the Masjid Qard Hasan, which currently stands at $84,000. We anticipate this balance to be paid off by the end of this calendar year, Inshallh. this will free us to proceed with building the new masjid where the two steel structures currently sit. To that end we’re delighted to share with the community concept architectural plans, which, with Allah’s help and yours will come to fruition in the near future. These plans are presented in the following photos as well as the YouTube link provided after the photos. Inshallah, we plan to start working with the City pf Santa Clarita to start the permitting phase, which may take 12 to 18 months to finish. (Click on link to donate: YouTube Link / Building Animation Video: Masjid Donations Fund: Used to pay for Ramadan program expenses as well as build reserves to pay for masjid operating expenses. (click on link to donate: Donations can also be made by mailing checks to : Al-Umma Center of SCV 18027 Sierra HWY Canyon Country, CA 92351 Please in the memo section of the check, indicate which fund you intend for your donations to go into. ***Alhamdulillah, the masjid is run by volunteers, and 100% of funds donated go to the designated purpose.**** |