Ramadan 2021 (1442)

Based on the ruling by Fiqh Council of North America (http://fiqhcouncil.org/), the first day of the upcoming holy month of Ramadan is Tuesday, April 13, 2021. On behalf of everyone at Al-Umma Center, we wish the Santa Clarita Muslim community, and muslims everywhere Ramadan Mubarak. We pray to Allah (SWT) to make this month a time of health, peace and piety. May Allah make this holy month the beginning of  the crippling COVID-19 Pandemic.
Due to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in the Los Angeles County, Inshallah we’ll be having Ramadan program in the Masjid with focusing on offering nightly Taraweeh prayers.  Inshallah the first Taraweeh will be on Monday, April 12, 2021. 

Taraweeh Program: We’re thankful to Brother Mubeen Sahibzada for agreeing to lead the program which will be structured as follows:
9:30 PM to 9:45 PM – Isha Prayer
9:45 PM to 10:00 PM – First four Taraweeh Rakaas
10:00 PM to 10::05 PM – Khatira
10:05 PM to 10:20 PM – Last four Taraweeh Rakaas
10:20 PM to 10:30 PM – Witr Prayer
(As soon as the Witr prayer is concluded, everyone is requested to exit prayer areas to allow for their sanitizing)
Inshallah the Taraweeh Prayer will streamed live on the masjid Facebook page:  http://facebook.com/AUCSCV/

Capacity:  Inshallah, we’ll accommodate up to fifty people inside the prayer hall, and in the event the prayer attendance exceeds fifty people, we’ll accommodate the increase in the patio area and in the north side of the steel structure.  

Guidelines: Following are some important guidelines we request everyone to abide by:
1. Anyone with Flu-like symptoms, with recent exposure to someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, or has travelled to or from overseas in the last 14 days, should not come to the masjid. 
2. Everyone will be screened for temperature prior to being admitted to the prayer areas. 
3. Everyone should bring his/her prayer rug.
4. Well-fitted face mask is to be kept on while on masjid property.
5. Social distancing rules, and other COVID-19 protocols mandated by LA Department of Public Health will be enforced at all times.
6. Everyone is encouraged to make Wudu at home prior to coming to the masjid
7. Please try to bring a reusable water bottle, and if you bring a throwaway water bottle, we kindly request you dispose of it in containers which will be provided outside the masjid.
8. Children 12 years and older are welcome to attend, provided they stay in the prayer areas and perform prayers.