Inshallah Eid Al-Adha will be on Sunday, August 11, 2019. On this blessed occasion, we pray to Allah (SWT) to bless all with health, happiness and peace. Alhamdulillah, as with every Eid, the three Santa Clarita Masajid will be joining together to hold Eid Al-Adha Prayer. We are thankful to the Brothers and Sisters from The Islamic Center of Santa Clarita Valley for organizing and managing the prayer service on behalf of the three Masajid. The following are the details of the prayer service:
Main Ballroom
Hyatt Regency Valencia.
24500 Town Center Drive
Valencia, CA-91355.
Date: Sunday, August 11, 2019
Time: First Prayer:
Takbeer will start @ 7:30 AM.
Salat @8:00 AM, followed by Kutbah.
Khateeb: Br. Mohamed Abdelghani
Time: Second Prayer:
Takbeer will start @ 8:30 AM.
Salat @9:00 AM, followed by Kutbah.
Khateeb: Shaikh Junaid Bahi
***Refreshments will be served after each Khutbah***